Explain how substance abuse treatment works, how they can. Alcohol and Drug Addiction · Drug-free Workplace Helpline · Substance Abuse Alcohol and Drug Addiction Happens in Best Families Describe how alcohol and drug addiction affects the whole family. Explains how substance abuse treatment works, how family interventions can be a first step to recovery, and how to help children from families affected by alcohol and drug abuse. Every relationship that comes face to face with substance abuse and addiction is bound to suffer tremendously.
Romantic relationships in which at least one partner deals with addiction are likely to include far more conflicts than most. Trust issues, hurt feelings, and anxiety can be side effects of substance abuse in a relationship for either partner or both. These problems slowly wear out in relationships, gradually leading to the dissipation of happiness that eventually leads to relational failures, and not just the romantic type. Couples in which a partner abuses drugs or alcohol are often very unhappy; in fact, these couples are often more unhappy than couples who do not have problems with alcohol or other drugs, but who seek help for marital problems.
As alcohol or drug use worsens, it begins to take more and more time away from the partner, taking its toll on creating an emotional distance between partners that is difficult to overcome. These couples also report that they fight and argue a lot, which can sometimes be violent. It is often the struggle itself that can create an environment or situation in which the partner with a drinking or drug problem uses these substances to reduce their stress. When substance use eventually becomes one of the main reasons for fighting or arguing, what we see happening is a vicious circle, in which substance use causes conflict, conflict leads to increased substance use as a way to reduce tension, conflict over substance use is intensifies, more alcohol or drug use occurs, and so on.
Couples in which a partner abuses drugs or alcohol have a hard time getting out of this downward spiral—fortunately, we also know proven ways to help these relationships and, in the process, help the substance abuser recover. So, if you or your partner has a problem with alcohol or other drugs, there is hope. The best step a family member, friend or partner can take to help an addicted loved one is to let them face the reality of their addiction and the consequences of their behavior. It turns out that alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs help concerned family members and work with this same problem.
People living with people who are addicted to drugs that can lead to extremely volatile behavior are at serious risk of victimization, along with any other family members or children living in the household. In general, codependent people fear that their relationship with the addict will end, so they will do their best to accommodate their partner, even if it means sacrificing their own needs or allowing addictive behavior. The effects of drug abuse on the brain include changes in mood, cognitive function, and even physical changes. Codependency can be between two people who use drugs, family members or spouses of people who use drugs, or children of addicted persons.
Excessive use of some recreational drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana and cocaine, can cause erectile dysfunction in drug addicts. Sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, depression, violence and abandonment of all sexual partners, and a progressive decline in interest and effort in serious and long-lasting relationships are just some of the problems that stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine can cause in drug addicts, both in and out of a relationship when addiction and relationship occur. Often, people who are in the grip of addiction do not have the energy or desire to spend on relationships or people who are not related to their drug use. Expert advice and treatment can then be sought to repair the damage caused and help both partners save the space that drug addicts have tried to bring to their love relationship.
It is not uncommon for an addicted person to have secret behavior and lie about drug use. Drug and alcohol addiction is a nationwide epidemic, please contact us if you or a loved one is suffering. When you enable someone, you encourage them directly or indirectly or make it easy for them to continue abusing drugs or alcohol. Learning about the psychology and etiology of a substance or alcohol epidemic, learning about recovery options, and eventually getting an intervention as soon as possible, so that addiction doesn't affect too many relationships, could be a safer option.
For example, according to the American Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM), substance abuse has been found to occur in 40 to 60 percent of incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV). One of the most common frustrations people have with their loved one who is addicted to drugs is the level of secrecy involved in their daily life. . .